MGySgt C.B. Wisehart USMC Retired

Facts and their hyperbolic extrapolation and interpolation.

Facts and their hyperbolic extrapolation and interpolation.
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You would think that if one calculated the volume of the universe in cubic angstroms one would have found a large number; surprisingly it is much less than a single googol.  Moving on to things of a grander scale Dr. Gary Ott is a heart transplant surgeon who argues that life was designed by God.  Dr. Ott speaks about there being a beginning before which there is nothing to which I take offense.  God was there before creation.  I suspect that the creation of time took an eternity accounting for Biblical comments about there being an eternal past.  This would also make the first day eternal, slightly longer than 24 hours.  I do agree with young age creationist that after that initial eternity the days were 24 hours give or take a moment or two here and there.  One notable exception was the day Joshua ordered the sun to stand still for about "a full day." Joshua 10:13




Earths Timeline

Scientific American: Misconceptions about the Big Bang [ COSMOLOGY ] Baffled by the expansion of the universe? You're not alone. Even astronomers frequently get it wrong