MGySgt C.B. Wisehart USMC Retired

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57 years of age at this writing, Tuesday 22 March 2005 AD(The year of our Lord); I hope you never find anything other than this about the common era here as there is absolutely nothing common about it.

Date of Birth: 20 September 1947
Family History: Hoosiers
First Professional Role: Son of Dorn Boyd Wisehart
Life's Purpose: Please the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Billy Graham
Failures: Born again as a young man but walked selfishly for many years wasting my gifts shamelessly resulting in my still struggling with gluttony and other character flaws. Relieved from recruiting duty for failing to accomplish the mission of shipping 5 a month to boot camp in 1977, goals had recently been declared unlawful by the feds so mission was substituted and the goal banned.
Successes: Wooed the continuously wonderful Linda Jane Wyant from Thanksgiving Day 1967 on, winning her approval to marry ten days later. Married Linda Saturday 20 April 1968 and have managed to not drive her off for many wonderful years. Proudly raised two of the finest woman ever born, Laura Ann and Sara Jane, got to hold both of them right from Linda's womb and the joy of their raising me is immense.
Education: Cascade High School 1966, USMC Seniors Leadership Seminar 2 March 1988, Honor Graduate of USMC Advanced Target Acquisition Radar Maintenance Schools, Recruiters School, Procurement Logistic Training.  Continuing undergraduate studies at Chapman College and Portland State University in whatever interest me at the moment.