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My contact information is: 
     Karl Stein 
     PO. Box 944
     Carbondale, IL  62903-0944    
     Phone: (618) 985-2204     
     email:  abpaint@verizon.net
To hear my music, go to this link:  http://www.indieheaven.com/artist_main.php?id=90683
I can be reached for Ministry or Music Ministry, or for prayer:
If you want me to preach/teach at your church, I can guarantee that there will be healings, all praise to the Christ, Jesus.  You may wonder how I can guarantee that.  I'm like most Christians who pray for healing by the power in the name of Jesus through prayer and the Word and the Holy Spirit, with faith and the power of agreement. However, I aslo have the GIFT of FAITH and The GIFT of HEALING.  This is not to say that I'm any better than anybody else, but that the Lord has blessed me, and these gifts can be imparted into others.  If you are of a conservative faith, please do not be afraid.  Everything I teach/preach is backed by the Word, and I can pray for healing without the laying on of hands if that is a concern.  Money is not an issue with me, in that I just love to see people get free from pains and sickness, and for the Kingdom of God to expand, as others receive these precious gifts that cannot be bought with money. 
Music Ministry:
I can do music ministry at your church/event, although my main focus is to see the Kingdom of God come with power to heal.  I may not feel led to come if you merely want me for the music.  I've received some air play in Honduras and countries in Central America.  However, I'm basically an unknown healing evangelist.  You can hear my music (spanish or english) at this link:  http://www.indieheaven.com/artist_main.php?id=90683  or you can contact me for a complementary copy. 
I'm also a paint contractor and this is how I've been supporting my missionary trips to Honduras and Mexico.  God has blessed me with a good painting business working for several big corporations.  Praise God,  I have all the work I need.  I do not have to look at the offering plate for support, but can freely do God's will. 

Thank you for reading!!!  God Bless you!!! 

Please remember!  Jesus loves you!  Jesus went about healing all.  Because of his love, He never turned anyone away.  He healed all that asked, and even some that did not ask.  Think of the stripes that Jesus took.  This is why sickness and pain is not allowed.  Let us give all our love and honor and praise to Jesus.