Weight loss, health & pH Alkaline levels

The steps I took to lose weight
Why I've chosen to do this
Why you should be drinking alkaline water!
How to do a pH bath
Low pH and Cancer!
Is your toothpaste erasing your brain
Is cancer in your tub
How safe are your health and beauty aids
Could washing your hair make you stupid
Cancer a Bigger Killer Than Heart Disease
Alkalizing Foods
Alkalinity Tracking
Alkaline Water Recipe
Questions and thoughts on my process
Stop poisoning yourself
Testing your pH
How the products work
The steps I took to lose weight
Top 12 killer household chemicals
Weight loss tracking
Why it is important to balance your pH!
12 foods to avoid overusing
Products & Samples


Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitue for advice from a physician and/or other healthcare professional. The information provided is not to be, and should not be, used to diagnose or treat any medical or health conditions and/or as a prescription for the treatment of any disease, illness or health condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.


I’ve had people ask me how I went about losing the 20 pounds I’ve lost since March of 2004. So I’ve decided to put together this little sheet of the steps I took to raise my pH and lose 20 pounds. 


I purchased pH test strips to test my urine pH (you can purchase these test strips from a health food store or order them from my business website.) I used the readings to give me a baseline of my pH and to help me track my pH progress. (I tested my pH once a day by testing my first urine void of the morning. You can test yourself 2-3 times a week. Just make sure you test your 1st urine void in the morning after at least 5 hours of sleep.) 


I drank Alkaline Water throughout my day. Alkaline water is water that measures 6.8-7.0 when you test it with the pH test strips. I found that adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to 1 gallon of water raises the pH of the water to 7.0 (you should drink enough alkaline water to help raise your pH and to flush out toxins/acid.)  The water should be filtered before adding the baking soda since you want to make sure that any chemicals and impurities are removed so you are not adding those to your body. 


The formula I used to figure out the amount of alkaline water I needed to drink everyday is: Total body weight in pounds, divided by one half, equals the amount of water needed daily in ounces, (example: 100 pounds divided by 2 = 50 pounds, therefore, consume 50 ounces of water per day.)


I also added 3% U.S.P. Hydrogen Peroxide to my gallon of water (¼ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water.) According to Dr. Young, the hydrogen peroxide “acts as an oxygen catalyst, alkalizing, neutralizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing the body.”


For those reluctant to add the baking soda or hydrogen peroxide to their drinking water you can still raise your pH and have positive results by drinking filtered water and the Neutralizer. You’ll need to increase the Neutralizer amount until your pH rises to the 6.8-7.0 optimal level. You can also add the Neutralizer to the water. The baking soda is just a temporary booster. The Neutralizer and your diet (the foods you eat and shouldn’t eat) work together to raise your pH. The Neutralizer has no odor or flavor; it’s just like drinking water.


Since I’m on the subject of the Neutralizer, I know that once my weight stabilizes, I can reduce my Neutralizer intake since I’ll know that it has assisted me with removing the toxins/acid stored in my body-fat. I will continue to test my pH twice a week to be sure my pH level stays at optimal.


A word of warning, the focus of this sheet is weight loss but you need to keep in mind that raising your pH will help your body detoxify. If you are taking heavy medications or have a debilitating disease, your symptoms may temporarily increase until the toxins are released from the body.  


I showered with the Moisturizing Soap. A few times I took a “pH bath” mixing ½ to 1 ounce of the Neutralizer with equal amounts of the Moisturizing Soap in very warm water and soaking for 30 minutes. The pH baths help the pores open allowing toxins to be released through the pores. I mainly used the soap while showering. The reason you want to use a “natural” soap is because most of the soaps we use are made of chemicals and ingredients that clog the pores. Since our skin is our body’s largest organ we want to make sure our pores are not clogged so they can allow the toxins/acid to be released.



That’s it, that’s all I did. No pills or diets. In fact because of my financial situation, my diet was a high carb diet (carbs like pasta and cheap bread are less expensive than healthy foods.) Normally, a high carb diet would add weight/fat or at the very least keep me from losing weight/fat, but I lost nonetheless. I tried an experiment. I purposely ate a bunch of cookies and tortilla chips in addition to my "normal" diet for a couple of days. My pH went down and my weight went up! I got back on my program and the weight came off again. Keep this in mind, you can't eat whatever you want, in any amount you want without risking a drop in your pH and ultimately, weight gain.



On the subject of diet, the leading reason for our lowered pH is dietary – the foods we eat. Below is a list of foods known to lower the body’s pH. To that list I found that eggs, corn and corn products also reduced my pH level.


I recently read an article that stated that by the year 2006, it is predicted that obesity will overtake smoking as the most prevalent and preventable killer of Americans.




The reason I lost weight, fat and inches was simply because I raised my body’s pH level. 


Please note: this is not an instant, "quick fix," lose 10 pounds in 10 days type of program. 


12 Foods We Should Avoid Overusing to keep our pH Healthy!! Remember, if our pH is too low (acidic) we can't absorb vitamins and minerals!


Pork – The other white meat is full of chemicals and pesticides!


Shellfish – They are bottom fish, which means they eat waste! Shrimp is the only exception – they swim & eat plankton.


Margarine products


Artificial Sweeteners – Certain types of brain tumors are associated with artificial sweeteners.


Junk food. No more needs to be said.


Mayonnaise – It is almost all fat and preservatives. Use organic mayonnaise.


Caffeine – Is a stimulant – Just 2 cups per day increase your chance of disease by 50%! Cut down and then cut it out. Wean yourself off caffeine – do not do it cold turkey! This way you will not suffer with headache withdrawals and other symptoms of withdrawal.


Chlorine & Fluoride.


MSG – Be sure to check labels – MSG is in a lot of things!


High fat dairy products (Example: Half & Half)


Alcohol – Drink water instead! Our bodies need water to keep hydrated.


Aluminum – If you are cooking in aluminum pans you are absorbing it into your food. Aluminum is also in deodorants (except the deodorant stones)


Moderation is the Key! We have to Make Lifestyle Changes! Take Charge of Your Own Health!


Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitue for advice from a physician and/or other healthcare professional. The information provided is not to be, and should not be, used to diagnose or treat any medical or health conditions and/or as a prescription for the treatment of any disease, illness or health condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.