Central Illinois Formula Dé Club   

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All About Us

We are a group of people that love gaming, whether board games, simulation gaming, or table top gaming. Our interests range from historical to science fiction. This group was born out of the CITW (Central Illinois Tabletop Warriors) of which our core group proudly claims membership. Since our CITW group meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month. We decided to pick the 1st Thursday in the month for night of boardgaming. We hope our main focus will be Formula Dé.

Jeff Zimmerman bought this great game while living in Germany and brought the game to a night at CITW. The game has been received with excitement and we hope to add many players in the coming months. We meet at Jeff's house with gaming beginning at about 7 pm. For further information please contact either Jeff or Chris Trimble. We can give you directions of how to reach us and what you can expect.