MGySgt C.B. Wisehart USMC Retired

Facts and their hyperbolic extrapolation and interpolation.
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Only nothing can come of nothing so there has always been something, and God is it, self existent, having no beginning and no end, a majestic and magnificent being revealing himself to man as three persons in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is a statement of my faith.  Faith in God is like faith that the floor will be there when you step out of bed in the dark. The evidence is overwhelming and if God did forsake us it would be far more frightening than falling into a bottomless pit.  If you deny the evidence of God that is systemic within all of creation please know that God has not stopped knocking at your door and has paid the greatest of all costs to make way for you to return to him in as fresh a state as the day you were born so get with it and open that door; it would be a shame for you to waste another moment.

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Kodak Gallery

Westside Bible Fellowship of Hillsboro, Oregon USA

Radio Voice of Christ, reaching the hearts of Persians everywhere.

Growing Christians Ministries

American Scientific Affiliation (ASA)

Library Thing

Sara's Blogspot

Sara's MySpace

The Huerta's in Romania


Merriam Webster no fee


VERL's Blog 

Chris's Wordpress

Our Daily Bread

OED Word of the Day

Google not 10^100 a goggle.


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